There’s nothing better than finding a faster and easier way of doing things. This iPhoto tip is great if you’ve got tons of pictures to go through and organize. When you’re confirming or rejecting Faces in iPhoto, you can actually select a big group of images to categorize instead of having to select each photo individually.
To do so, select the Faces section of iPhoto then double-click on someone’s album to organize additional pictures of that person. The option for this is at the bottom of the window, labeled Confirm Additional Faces.
After that, just click and drag a selection box around the faces you want to confirm. The ones you select will be tagged as belonging to the person whose album you’re in.
If you get a group of pictures that don’t belong to that person, simply hold down Option as you click and drag, and all the pictures within it will be rejected instead.
When you’ve finished confirming and rejecting faces, click Done and that’s it!
Source: The Mac Observer
Image Credit: Macworld