Tag: android

Sony “PlayStation Suite” brings too little, too late

Today, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. held a press conference in Japan to unveil their successor to the PlayStation Portable (PSP) which is for now code-named...

Quick App: Salling Media Sync – for Mac to Android

I switched from my iPhone to an HTC Evo 4G on release day back in June. One of the first things I missed was a...

What’s Verizon’s game plan? Focus their efforts on CDMA iPhone 4 sales.

I’ve long stated that the lack of iPhone availability on the Verizon network played a large part in the Android explosion. Apple erroneously assumed that...

Android growth lags: Verizon focusing on the iPhone

Kaufman Bros analyst Shaw Wu doesn’t think the new Blackberrys or Android phones will make much of a “material impact” on Verizon’s network in the...

A third of Android owners want iPhones

There’s been a lot of speculation about the lack of iPhone on Verizon and the influence that it’s had on Android as a platform. Some...

Run Android on your iPad or iPhone 4 with OpeniBoot

I once got a call from someone asking me how to get Flash on an iPad. They needed it for an upcoming demonstration. My response...

Financial call gets a transcript. Jobs blasts Google.

There’s a lot to say about the financial call from yesterday, but I decided to hold off until we got a semi-official transcript from someone...

Will FaceTime be coming to iLife ’11?

When FaceTime was announced for the iPhone 4, many people were hoping that it would replace iChat on the Mac.  Unfortunately, it did not.  We...

Android apps selling user data to advertisers?

After reading this article over at Arstechnica I found myself with a giant itch that needed scratching. Have you ever noticed that the only people...

Gene Munster survey shows some interesting cellphone stats

Gene Munster released an interesting cellphone survey today, while it is pretty limited in geography, it certainly pointed out some interesting tidbits of information. Before...

Android’s own walled garden that no one talks about, conveniently

What’s a walled garden? We suspect it has something to do with the fact that users or developers get locked into something they might not...

iOS passes Linux to become 3rd most popular browsing platform

“It’s a mobile device,” they say. “But it’s not meant for surfing the internet,” they say. “Apple’s apps are ruining the web,” they say. Android...

iPhone user puts Android user to shame in speed typing test

A British women destroyed a speed typing record on her Samsung Galaxy S using the Swype keyboard alternative, setting a time of 25.94 seconds. She walked in off...

Google Goggles coming to an iPhone near you

Google Goggles is a visual search technology developed by Google.  So instead of typing in a search query or speaking it, you use the camera...

Google versus Apple T-shirt tells a story

There’s been a war brewing for a while now, and I have to say, sometimes our comment system is on the front lines. The “openness”...

Woz loves his iOS devices, not so much his Android devices.

Some months back I wrote an article about Steve Wozniak and how he liked the Nexus One over what at the time was the current...

Why I use an iPhone over an Android phone

We get a lot of hate mail from Android users, despite my attempts at keeping things on an even keel around here. Sure, I tout...

So long Android, the iPad has just passed you in browser share

We get a lot of drive-by comments from Android users these days. They’re pretty passionate about their device of choice, and they should be —...