One of my favorite features of the iTunes Store is the iMix. iTunes users can make their own playlists of music on the store, and then make them available for purchase. If you want to hear what other iTunes users listen to during the holiday season, you can browse the Christmas iMix search page.
Music isn’t the only medium that brings forth holiday cheer, though. Many people grew up watching Christmas movies on television and VHS. That is great, but this is the 21st century. Today we can buy and rent our Christmas movies online! You can view a selection of Christmas flicks right here on iTunes.
Are you cooking meals for the holiday season? Well, you can use the iTunes store for recipes, tips, and inspiration. You can check out some of the the available iPhone and iPod Touch applications, podcasts, and audiobooks about cooking.
For more holiday tips involving your Mac, iPod, or iPhone, check out Part I, Part II, and Part III of this series of articles here at Macgasm.
Photo Credit: wolfsavard