Tag: rumor

Reports suggest iPhone 5 will land in September

The Internet’s at it again. While the lack of the iPhone 5 at WWDC was enough for most, that hasn’t stopped some from rummaging around...

Custom widgets could still be part of Notification Center in iOS 5

Apple’s revamp of notifications has a lot of people pretty happy. The Notification Center looks fantastic on iPhones running iOS 5, and a little less...

Sprint iPhone 4S reportedly in “advanced hardware testing” on Apple campus

9to5Mac reports that its sources have confirmed that a next-generation iPhone has recently reached the “advanced hardware testing” phase of its development, and is being...

iOS 5 lets you delete incoming and outgoing calls

Have a super-crazy ex that keeps spamming your phone all hours of the night, hoping to mess up the vibe between both you and your...

Apple looking to make smartphones a little smarter in new patent

Clearly smartphones aren’t smart enough for Apple’s standards. Given the computing power, and the inclusion of GPS in these devices, it’s still a bit of...

Rumor: Apple may have two iPad 3 models in the pipeline and no 5th Gen iPod touch

With Lion, iCloud, and iOS 5 out of the way, it was only a matter of time until the next juicy rumor hit the web....

Is Apple sourcing parts for the iPad 3?

Who knows what that Apple is up to – supposedly they’re not busy enough with OS X Lion, iOS 5 and WWDC tomorrow. According to...

Rumor: Mac OS X Lion launch on June 14

9 to 5 Mac is reporting that Apple is planning to launch OS X Lion on Tuesday, June 14. According to the site’s sources, Apple...

Oh my, Apple Time Capsule could run iOS and get an A4 or A5 processor

More rumors about those constrained Time Capsules have been rolling in today. They’re a doozy, and they had us stopping for a moment and really...

Mobile Notifier developer hired by Apple to fix iOS notifications

This is the kind of story we all like to hear about. When Peter Hajas got sick and tired of the way Apple’s iOS notification...

Rumor: Say what? iPhone 5 going 4G on AT&T

We’re not sure what to think about 4G and the next generation iPhone any more. The rumors have been so back and forth and out...

Apple looking to provide iCal meeting alerts based on your location

We can all pretty much agree that iOS notifications are pretty useless in their current state. But, rest assured, Apple seems to be working on...

Rumor: “Find my iPhone” getting a Mac edition in Lion

Find my iPhone has been huge, so huge in fact, people have taken to the street to wrongfully beat down accused thieves who have stolen...

Apple may announce Back to School specials at WWDC

There is a rumor swirling about that Apple may announce their Back to School specials at this year’s World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC). WWDC is...

Rumor: iOS 5 to include widgets?

In an article discounting rumors of a hardware  preview at WWDC, MG Siegler over at TechCrunch has dropped several pieces of information he’s been hearing about the...

Rumor: Apple testing A5-powered MacBook Air

A new report from the Japanese blog Macotakara states that Apple is testing an ARM-based, A5-powered MacBook Air. The MacBook Air is currently powered by older...

Rumor: Apple wants AMOLED for iPad 3

People thought the iPad 2, iPad, and iPhone 3GS would be getting an AMOLED display leading up to their announcements, but it never materialized. It...

Rumor: White iPhone 5 case pops up online

Late last night a white iPhone case popped up on the web that had the new camera slots like we’ve been hearing about, as well...