A Very Macintosh Christmas: Part I

Once again, it is nearing my favorite time of year. Until December 25th, I will be posting tips on how you can use your Mac,...

Easy Access to Obscure Characters

There are times when you need to use an obscure character, and you don’t feel like screwing around with the option key for a half-hour...

The Ultimate Guide to Hiding the Naughty Videos on your Mac

So, you like to watch some torrid videos from time to time, but you don’t want other people seeing what you do? You’re in luck....

Mac OS X 10.6.1 Server: Server Preferences broke and how to fix it.

Server Preferences: 10.6: An Issue With running a Mac OS X 10.6.1 server, there are many things that you should not change once you set...

Customize Safari’s Default Display Page

Every time you launch Safari, it needs to display something in the window. Even if it is just a blank page, the decision has to...

Make Exposé more Efficient with Hot Corners

Exposé is a great way to streamline your interaction with Mac OS X, but how can your interaction with exposé be streamlined? First, open System...

The Secret Sound Option in Mac OS X

Speak up! I can’t hear you! Sometime turning your sound down to the last notch just isn’t quiet enough. You still want to hear something,...

Connect to FTP with Snow Leopard and the Finder

Did you know you can access an FTP, or AFP server from the Finder? If you find yourself needing to access one of these file...

Get the size of a group of files with the option key.

Have you ever wanted to get the file size of a group of files in a Finder window but have no freaking clue how to...

Search From Anywhere

You’re not always in your browser when you want to look things up. Luckily there are tools available to fix that problem. Google Quick Search...

Stay on the Cutting Edge of Acorn and VoodooPad

If you use Flying Meat’s VoodooPad and/or Acorn applications, you should know that Gus Mueller, the developer, has RSS feeds where he releases beta versions....

Manage Podcasts using iTunes without the iTunes Store

I pod, you pod, we all pod… Podcasting has become a huge avenue of content in the past five years. The iTunes Store is a...

Lock Away Your Private Files

We all have files on our computer that we don’t want other people to see. Be it tax information or those pictures from your wild...

Minimizing windows the Snow Leopard way.

If there’s one thing I really envied about Microsofts Vista operating system it was their users ability to minimize their windows in a way that...

Customize the Finder to your Liking

Make the Finder into your Finder. Open a window in the Finder, and right click the title bar. Select Customize Toolbar to open the customization...

iTunes Offers a High Efficiency Audio Codec

Keep it efficient! Included in iTunes 9 is the ability to encode audio using High Efficiency AAC. This is a special audio codec that allows...

Getting non-encrypted Blu-Ray content to play on your Mac.

The lack of Blu-Ray support in Mac OS X is slowly driving me insane. As my Blu-Ray collection grows, my disdain for Apple executives snowballs....

Capture Flash Video in Safari

Flash video is commonplace now, and that leaves a lot of us desiring the ability to save those files like Quicktime files. Well, it doesn’t...