Instant Message on Facebook Chat and Google Talk in iChat
We don’t live in a world of AOL Instant Messenger, MSN, and Yahoo anymore. The kids these days like the Facebooks, the Googles, and the...
Apple releases Security Update 2010-005
Apple has released a security update for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and 10.6 Snow Leopard users. This is not unheard of by any stretch...
Pad and Quill try a Moleskin inspired iPad and iPhone case
Well, I guess it’s officially become a “thing.” iPad and iPhone Moleskin knockoffs are everywhere, and the latest are coming from Pad and Quill. This...
Quick Tip: Clean up your Dock with Stacks
If you’re a power user, I’m sure your Dock gets cluttered sometimes. I’m constantly testing out different browsers, so my Dock will overflow with little...
Travel Gadget Review plus some Tips
I’m writing this while I travel back to the US from London. Last week, I had written an article about applications that I was planning...
Wait, you can thread emails in
You know how a lot of people are harping on for being dated? Well, I was one of those people, but much to my...
Design Conscious Safari 5 Extensions: A Cleaner YouTube & Beautipedia
If you like pretty things, you probably have a love-hate hate-hate relationship with the internet. Sadly, most website do not look attractive, and most of...
Getting Back to My Mac working with AT&T’s U-Verse’s Residental Gateway
A couple of weeks ago I switched my TV and Internet to AT&T’s U-Verse service. If you’re not familiar with AT&T U-Verse, they provide TV,...
Clear iSpot: A Review
I was reading my RSS feeds Wednesday morning when I came across a press release. It was from Clear announcing their new product the iSpot....
ClickToPlugin stops Web Annoyances from Loading
If you’re familiar with ClickToFlash and it’s Safari 5 extension ports, you’ll be familiar with the concept behind ClickToPlugin. Instead of just blocking Flash content...
Scan your Mac for BS — ClamXav
Mac users aren’t bogged down with the same viral issues as their Windows-using brethren, but they aren’t bullet proof. They can still get scammed, hoaxed,...
TinkerTool — Tweak OS X
One of the knocks against Mac OS X is the oft-mentioned lack of customization. Windows users and Linux users often yammer on and on about...
Share your Internet Access via Firewire
Are you in need of a real speed bump from wireless? You can use Ethernet cable, but that is only one option. I’m actually a...
Combine Windows in Safari with one keyboard shortcut
One of the powers of OS X is the ability to create shortcuts for any menu item in an application. It’s come in handy before,...
iPad to be available in nine more countries
There are some among the Apple community who live outside of the countries that can currently get the iPad without having to pay a premium...
Make those desktop files disappear!
If there’s one thing I absolutely hated doing during recording screencasts, it was cleaning up my desktop so that the world wouldn’t see just how...
Keep Safari pure by disabling Plug-Ins and Javascript
Plug-ins like Adobe’s Flash, Microsoft’s Silverlight, and Apple’s Quicktime offer a lot of utility on the web, but there are times when you want to...
Mac Newbie Tip: Printing to a PDF
One of the most useful tools built into Mac OS X is a little button that is easily missed. When you trigger the print menu...