RUMOR: Apple Creating iPhone for Verizon to Come Out in 2010

Kaneda – Art for iPhone, originally uploaded by kaneda99. Rumors are flying that Apple is working on a “world mode” iPhone that is compatible with...

Full court press from Droid might mean a cheaper iPhone 3GS

We were all hoping that once more carriers got iPhone deals from Apple we’d see some downward push in pricing structures because of the newly...

Orange announce UK iPhone tarrifs

This morning for us UK folks, Orange have unveiled their iPhone tariffs which will be starting on Tuesday 10th November. When they first announced they...

Verizon testing 4G and bashing the iPhone? Pfft.

There’s been a barrage of Verizon news already this week, and the funny thing is that they’re on completely differing ends of an invisible spectrum...

AT&T is pissed at 9to5 Mac

Sounds like some management types over at AT&T have gotten their panties all in a bunch about the consumers prospected release date for tethering. Sigh....

AT&T FemToCell: Why would anybody do this?

There are plenty of news stories regarding AT&T’s new FemToCell product that is being rolled out in Charlotte, North Carolina. But I have a few...

Starbucks releases a new iPhone app

Who doesn’t like a jolt in the morning to get the day started. Some of us try doing it the el natural way, but a...

Stir gives you Friendfeed on your iPhone

Everyone either loves or hates Friendfeed. It goes either way, and you can’t sit on the fence about it. Some people can’t handle the fire...

Skype finally graces Canada with its presence.

Somewhere between Steve Jobs appearing on stage and my non-stop reordering of my iPhones apps I missed the big news that Skype has FINALLY appeared...

Flickr finally releases a native iPhone Application.

Flickr integration to the iPhone has been long overdue, and if you ask any iPhone user how they felt about emailing photos to Flickr, you’re...

Breaking MMS news: this year Summer ends on September 25th

Apparently AT&T iPhone users will have to find something else to complain about: AT&T just issued a press release announcing that on September 25th, 3...

Toy Story Midway Mania for the iPhone

A few days ago I was in the Apps Store in iTunes, and I found Toy Story Mania.  If you have ever ridden the Toy...

Roger’s stock runs dry.

Let it be a sign to tech companies everywhere!  Canada love’s its tech, and Americans should stop under estimating us, we’re just as geeky as...

Could Apple be allowing 3rd Party Media Players Support in iTunes?

Boy Genius Report is getting the ball rolling today with some screen captures of iTunes 9 and its integration with the social media sites —...

Music Corporations stymying innovation yet again. Lyrical gets screwed.

We introduced you guys to a new application a couple of days ago that I’ve grown to love over the last couple of weeks, now...

TomTom app Coming Soon! (It’s Here!)

So the word on the streets is that in the US we will be seeing the official TomTom GPS Navigation app first thing in the...

Fight! Fight! Fight! Apple and Palm going at it!

Apple’s currently fighting legal battles on many fronts these days, but it’s to be expected when you’re a company with such a huge public outreach....

FCC expands its investigation, now includes Google Voice application

It looks as though the United States Federal Communication Commission has opened an investigation into the rejection of the Google Voice application within the iTunes...