Quicktime has buffer overflow problems, but it seems to be Windows only

Everyone and their brother is reporting right now that a vulnerability in Quicktime has surfaced and by association everyone is assuming OS X is not...

Should I use Apple TV or a Mac Mini for a Media Center?

Over the past couple of weeks I have begun ripping my personal DVDs to an external hard drive on my iMac. Why you might ask,...

iWork ’08 Mini-Review

I used Pages quite a bit today. I have to say, it really is a nice application. The templates are actually useful, and that is...

Things I Love About Firefox 3.0 Beta 1

The good folks over at Mozilla have finally released the first beta of Firefox 3.0. A lot is being done under the hood, and I’m...

Ten Things I Love About Leopard

Well, my straight upgrade went flawlessly. I pretty much disabled anything that modified any Apple-developed application, and that seemed to neuter any potential problems. All...

Software Updates, and clean installs.

Why is it that we still have to do updates after a clean install of os x? I spent the better part of my morning...