PGP OS X is the suck, and GPG is FTW?
Full disk encryption is starting to garner some attention these days due to the fact that there has been numerous reports of customs agents getting...
Can I soon be getting my CounterStrike on natively?
Games, Games, Games is all I hear from small kids and uninformed windows users these days. We want our games, and we want them now!...
Blackberry’s might just be getting some native OS X support
I spent today catching up on my RSS feeds, which I seriously neglected over the last month, and I stumbled across some news from a...
For Nikol: This is what all those annoying shortcut icons mean.
Ok, so I thought that most of us could grasp shortcuts, but, I was mistaken. Apparently there’s a whole slew of people out there that...
DVD Tuesday is becoming Download Tuesday
I’m not a needy guy. I don’t need a lot to make me happy. A Mac Pro (check), an iBook (check), cinema display (check), immediate...
MacBook Air
I got to play with a client’s MacBook Air today because she was tired and went home early. I love some things about it, but...
8800GT finally come to first gen. Mac Pro’s
After the new Mac Pros were released, you could get an upgraded video card; but for some reason, Apple failed to release this update for...
Safari gets a kick in the security ass.
Apple decided to grace us with some updates yesterday. I have a sneaking suspicion that these updates were completely related to the “hacking” that occurred...
Snippet Sunday: Apr 7-13 2008
Here are some articles from this week that I found the most interesting. If I missed anything sound off in the comments. Apple > Walmart…musically…...
Fabrix Cases: Hand made laptop/ipod sleeves
I was lucky enough to give these bad boys a test run over the last week, and I have to say that I’m pretty impressed...
Intelligent Editorial: Apple Secrets They Don’t Want You To Know
Hmmmm… It seems to me that many Apple users do NOT know many different secrets about Apple! I, as a Mac user for less than...
Aperture 2.1
Apple has decided it was in their best interest to grace us with an Aperture update this fine Friday afternoon. Just what I need, another...
(Solid) State of the Union
One of the more common complaints that I’ve been hearing about the Macbook Air (and I’m not referring to its slower processor, lack of optical...
Intelligent Editorial: Safari Being Pushed On Windows Users?
Whoop De Freaking Doo, another post about Apple pushing Safari on Windows user right? Well, sort of, but from a new angle. Vincent Ferrari of...
Safari being pushed on windows users.
I’m not a big fan of corporations pushing stuff on consumers underhandedly, and I’m seriously not a big fan of Internet Explorer, so I’m a...
SDK Developer Program a closed beta?
So let me get this straight…people want to develop for the iPhone, people are willing to shell out $99.00 and potentially 30% of their profits...
iPhone SDK and lack of Background processing
With the announcement of the iPhone SDK and the inability for developers to allow their applications to run in the background. I’m not sure how...
Intelligent Editorial: Apple and Third Party Applications
If you don’t know by now… Well, if you don’t know by now I shudder to think that you call yourself an Mac user. Just...