Smartyman data has spoken: If you have an iPhone, you probably won’t stop using it. According to a survey by UBS, 9 out of 10 iPhone users (well, 89 percent of them, which is like 8 iPhone users plus one who’s unusually short) will keep their iPhone once they get it. Interestingly, the next runner up is HTC who could only eke out 3 regular + 1 short Android user worth of (39 percent) retention. Sadly (but not surprisingly), RIM’s product retention took a swan dive from 5 Blackberry users + 1 chubby Blackberry user (62 percent) to a lean 2 + the fat guy (32 percent).
Electronista reports that Android retention is normally up around 60%, but a lot of those rats still jump ship:
“Nevertheless, about 31 percent of current Android phone owners say they are likely to buy an iPhone as their next device. UBS remarks that in general, most people switching between cellphone makers are choosing Apple, although Samsung and HTC have also seen net gains. The biggest drains have stemmed from RIM and Nokia.
Interestingly, UBS also de-bunks the notion (one I actually subscribed to until today) that the iPhone’s App Store was a major deciding factor when it came to purchasing choice. Apparently, only 30 percent of the survey group said that the wide range of apps available for iOS was a significant factor in their decision to go with the iPhone, and 69 percent report only spending $25 or less on apps.
For the record, I am not one of those 69 percent. Nosir.
Source: Electronista