It seems everytime I read the word tunnel, it’s in reference to people being smuggled across texan/californian borders into the US. While I’m sure they aren’t exactly the greatest means of travel, they aren’t likely very “secure” either. You wouldn’t catch me in one of those, that is for certain. SSH tunnels on the other hand are probably a little more secure at moving “commodities” across borders. In this case, the commodity is data and the border is the “internet.” See where I’m heading with this?
A couple weeks ago someone asked me about a gui for SSH tunnels and I drew an absolute blank. My answer to them was that nothing existed so far as I was aware. Well that all changed today. cocoa-sshtunnel creates ssh tunnels in os x. So there you have it. I stand corrected.
What is SSH Tunneling?
“SSH is frequently used to tunnel insecure traffic over the Internet in a secure way. For example, OS X machines can share files using the SMB protocol, which is not encrypted. If you were to mount a OS X filesystem remotely through the Internet, someone snooping on the connection could see your files. To mount an SMB file system securely, one can establish an SSH tunnel that routes all SMB traffic to the fileserver inside an SSH-encrypted connection. Even though the SMB traffic itself is insecure, because it travels within an encrypted connection it becomes secure” (Wikipedia – I changed windows to OS X– lol).
Thanks google code. You guys rock!