I’ve been on a big GTD kick lately, and frankly, if I wasn’t I’d barely keep my head above water. I know, I know, people who bitch about how busy they are really suck! So in an effort to maximize my productivity, I’m going to recommend one app every day this week that’s helped me actually be a little more productive.
Today’s AppHider, and it deserves some praise. It’s an alternative to the much loved spirited away. What it does is quite handy. It declutters your active windows for you. Instead of having to hide applications to free up desktop space, it’ll actually hide them for you, based on the time criteria you set.
So, if you’re like me and have 5 applications opened at once, and a bunch of them idling in the background while you’re in photoshop editing up your latest web application, then this application’s for you. Less time manually hiding applications, and more time actually getting work done is always a good thing.
Thanks to Dustin Sallings for the tip, and the application!
Image Credit: aftab.