I wish I had the ability to do everything I wanted from any window on the Mac. I know it sounds a little grandiose, but why can’t we delete a file while a save file dialog is open? I know it seems counter intuitive at first thought, but it would save a lot of time if you had the ability.
On that note, saving files in general is a giant pain in the rear these days. Click here, click there, click again, and again, and then click save.
Well, you no longer have to do that. Default Folder X makes navigating folders in the finder a breeze. It’s all about saving time this week, and this application takes the cake. It lets you get things done immediately, and not in 40 seconds time
Do what you want in a save/open dialog
Have you ever noticed a file sitting in a folder that you want to delete, while saving another file? I know I have, well until default folder x let it happen, finder couldn’t care less what you wanted to do. That’s the beauty of this application. It gives you additional functionality that you’ve thought about on a couple of occasions, without ever being able to use.
Get directory assistance
Another really cool thing is that you can drill down into folders without having to click your way through them. You just mouse over the menubar icon and then start scrolling over the menu. You’ll drill down a lot quicker than you did in the Finder.
You can also save default folder locations for applications. If you put all your photoshop files in a folder titled graphics, and all your essays in a school folder, you can now ensure that these applications open the right folder while saving. Huge time saver.
Get information on a file
The “get info” option in the finder is pretty snazzy, but you can now also get file information while you’re saving. It’s a great way to make sure you don’t accidentally save over something you shouldn’t.
This application is full of handy tricks that save you time and effort. Between this application, and Path Finder, you’ll never have another need for the Finder. I’d love it if Apple bought up both applications then added the functionality to the Finder. It might help us actually get work done on our laptops.
Image Credit: Kasaa