New YouTube Trends Map Feature Wants To Steal Your Free Time

Are teenage girls in New York City watching the same videos as elderly men in Texas? Hopefully not, but now with YouTube’s new Trends Map feature, we can know for sure.

The site is a new page that lets you see just what Americans are watching and lets you apply filters to see how the most popular videos differ between different demographics. The site allows you to filter by gender, age and region. For example, you can see what the country’s top video is for teenage boys in Miami and then see if this matches up or is different from what the rest of the country is watching.

There are a number of cool things you can do with the feature, and it also functions as a nice discovery tool for new and interesting videos. Currently the U.S. is the only country that is mapped out, but it sounds as though YouTube plans to expand the trend viewing feature to other countries in the future.

Try it out here.

Toby is a writer of word and a lover of Apple, hip-hop, life, and technology.