Strapped for cash? If you’re good enough with code, perhaps you can make some good money digging up bugs for Microsoft. The company is now offering up to $100,000 bounties for anyone that discovers and reports significant vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques in their Windows 8.1 Preview build.
“Friends, hackers, researchers! Want to help us protect customers, making some of our most popular products better? And earn money doing so? Step right up…”
Microsoft has revealed its new “Microsoft Security Bounty Programs” that offers people a wide range of cash incentives to help crack down on bugs within its Windows 8.1 preview build. Microsoft states that it will pay people up to $11,000 for “critical vulnerabilities that affect Internet Explorer 11 Preview, and up to $100,000 for “truly novel exploitation techniques against protections built into the latest version of our operating system (Windows 8.1 Preview).
Microsoft isn’t the first company to have done this, with Google and Facebook also being known to pay out hackers that submit potential exploits.
Learn more about the program here.