We’ve been hearing for months that Microsoft is working on an iOS version of its popular Office suite. It’s been a game of he said, she said along the way, but reports have surfaced and it seems that Microsoft has slipped up, publishing a nice little nugget of information in the process.
Office for iPhone information has been slowly finding its way into Microsoft’s knowledge base and support website as product tags, according to Mac4Ever. The example, which has been screenshotted, makes references to Office Mobile for iPhone, Excel for iPad, and PowerPoint for iPad.

It’s a small nugget, but a nugget nonetheless. It could be as simple as a mistake, or as basic as the company updating its support to reflect upcoming products that are almost ready for announcement. References to Apple products have popped up on their website hours before products are announced in the past as well.
We also should point out that this Microsoft Office on iOS rumor has been around for months, and Microsoft has denied its existence every step of the way, despite some sources claiming to the contrary.
It makes quite a bit of sense that Microsoft would be considering the move based on user numbers for iOS alone. The company has office products available for the Mac, and at this point there’s a lot more iOS users than their are OS X users.