Usually there’s a software update available when Apple wants to add functionality or patch a bug in an application, but it seems like the lines are being blurred these days. Apple managed to sneak an update into iTunes without an update.
It’s got me wondering just how that happened. Genius recommendations have been re-added to the iTunes side, but this time it’s available alongside the Ping functionality. It’s much appreciated that Apple returned the Genius sidebar to iTunes. I don’t use Genius playlists very often, but the music recommendations have been handy over the years. While Ping may be the future of music recommendations in iTunes, it’s just not cutting it yet. Not very many of my close friends have joined the service yet.
About that silent update
I try really hard not to be an alarmist about behind the scene updates and patches, and in most cases I’d actually welcome them. Not having to worry about patches and bug updates is the future. If Apple can figure out a way to alleviate the burden on consumers, it will be a pretty successful venture. But, there is a lot of grey area here that needs to be defined. Where is the line drawn in the sand, and what is or isn’t acceptable in such cases is something that we need defined.
How comfortable are you with these kinds of updates? Is it something you’d like to see more of, or something you’d like to see squashed before it becomes the norm?
Web applications have blurred the line, and the expectations when it comes to software updates, and I’m not exactly sure where I stand on this topic. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Article Via Macstories