If you thought Facebook would leave Instagram alone, sans advertisements, you’ve either been hiding out in some dark closet or you’ve actually stopped paying attention to the realities of social networks in 2013. According to the latest information from the Wall St. Journal and Instagram’s director of advertisements business operations, Emily White, advertisements will in fact be side-by-side with your glorious duck faced selfies in the coming year.
From The Wall Street Journal:
Mr. Systrom, co-founder of Instagram, still makes the ultimate decisions, but it is Ms. White who is responsible for courting brand marketers and laying the foundation for advertising.
There are no ads on Instagram, but Ms. White said it should be ready to begin selling ads within the next year.
Her challenge is to figure out how to integrate marketing without jeopardizing Instagram’s cool factor.
Yeah, nothing about ads are sexy cool. Nothing. Trust me. No matter what we do with ads here, they stick out, which is entirely the POINT OF ADVERTISING in the first place. I just really hope that their advertising initiative isn’t the equivalent of seeing celebrity faces everywhere. If you want to see a great, innovative way of using a social network for advertising, check out The Trailer Park Boys account on Vine. They’re doing it right.
Via Cult of Mac