If you’re a Windows Phone user and a fan of the popular HopStop app, there’s some bad news. Following Apple’s purchase of the app last week, the Windows Phone Marketplace lists the HopStop app description as “this app is no longer published,” hinting that Apple may have decided to pull the app from Windows Phone after having acquired the company.
To add insult to injury, those that already had the Windows Phone version of the app downloaded are now greeted with this message upon launching it, “HopStop no longer supports the Windows platform.” This means that even if you previously had the app installed, you still won’t be able to use it anymore.
The app, however, continues to remain on Android’s Google Play marketplace.
While Apple has yet to comment on the matter, there are a few theories on why Windows Phone support has been discontinued. One thought is that paying to support development of the Windows Phone version is too costly for the size of its respective user base. Another is that Apple is trying all it can to bury Windows Phone so that iOS and Android can be left as the only two major players in the market.
Either way, it continues to be a rough time as a Windows Phone user.