Earlier today, MiKandi, the first developers of the porn app “Tits & Glass” for Google Glass, released the application to the public. However, after going viral on tech blogs around the web, the project may be put on hold due to Google’s platform developer policies. Google has said that developers cannot develop Glassware content that includes sexual content.
Google’s platform developer policies say the following regarding porn on Google Glass:
We don’t allow Glassware content that contains nudity, graphic sex acts or sexually explicit material,
Apparently MiKandi was only made aware of this section of the developer policies after the app was released into the wild. According to Jesse Adams, the developer of Tits and Glass, MiKandi is discussing a change in the company’s developer policies.
Google Glass is one of Google’s latest products. The device is worn like a standard pair of glasses and pairs with the user’s iOS or Android device to display information in the user’s field of vision. The device also has a built-in camera to take quick photos and videos. Google Glass can be controlled using voice commands as well by using the touchpad located on the side of the device. Google Glass is currently being used by testers who paid upwards of $1500 to get into the Explorer program.
Image Source: giuseppe.costantino