Samsung uploaded a handful of the first commercials for the Galaxy S4 today, with each 30 second commercial focusing on a different feature of the upcoming Android phone. The ads use examples of real world situations where the features could be used.
The first of the three commercials focuses on the phone’s Sound Shot feature, which allows for photos to be sent along with accompanying audio clips. The ad features a son going on a far away trip where he uses Sound Shot to send pictures back to his mom.
The second commercial focuses on Group Play, a feature which allows users to share songs that they’re listening to wirelessly with those around them. The ad has a basketball team sharing a song in the locker room before a game to get pumped up.
The third commercial focuses on S Translator, a translation tool that repeats what you tell it in a foreign language. The ad focuses on a woman who uses the feature to make her way around a foreign country.
Expect to start seeing these commercials on TV as we approach the S4’s launch.