There’s no denying that Siri needs a kick in the ass these days. What was once a dominant feature in the market has become a bit of a laughing stock when measured against the competition. Obviously Microsoft is going to show off a bunch of things that Siri can’t do in its ad. The side-by-side comparison in this particular advertisement shows us how far Apple’s Siri is off the pace.
The tables have turned in Redmond. Microsoft has begun playing the underdog card against Apple in its commercials. Surprising, right? Whether you believe the company is another thing, however. It’s obvious the company believes it can steal back some market share by adding some snark to its marketing material.
“Cortana, why are you so late getting to the party?”
That’s a question I wouldn’t mind seeing asked of Microsoft’s personal assistant application. Have a Windows phone? Do me a favour and ask it that question. I’m dying to know what the excuse may be.
Apple’s readying iOS 8, its latest and greatest iOS operating system. I would love to be able to promise that an updated Siri can compete with Cortana, or even Google Now, but it won’t happen with the next update. After spending a lot of time with the beta software, I can’t even begin to promise that kind of turnaround for Siri.
It’s troubling.