Apple’s iOS 7-ification continues today. The company has rolled out some app updates to its second tier application lineup, including Podcasts, Find My iPhone, and Trailers.
Find My iPhone
Need to lock down that iPhone or iPad you lost at the bar during a drunken stupor? Apple’s had your back for a while, and thankfully the application they’ve given us now fits in nicely with the iOS 7 motif.
The handy application helps you find your lost phone by playing an alarm for 2 minutes straight so you can track is down in that dark alley you dropped it in the night before.
Of course, you can also remotely lock the phone down so who ever finds it needs to use the passcode to open it, or wipe it remotely in case all hope is lost.
As you’d expect at this point, the iTunes Trailers application doesn’t really have much new going for it other than a new, flatter design to bring it in line with the rest of Apple’s iOS 7 lineup.
What’s new in version 1.3? Here it is straight from Apple: “iTunes Movie Trailers has been updated with a beautiful new design for iOS 7.”
The biggest update of the three applications is easily Podcasts, which is kind of ironic considering Apple pulled podcast support from GarageBand earlier today. Anywho, this time around there’s a new search, and a new top chart listing that makes it easier to see what people are liking these days.
Podcasts 2 also updates your episodes in the background now so you don’t have to worry about manually grabbing new content from your favorite podcasters. Of course, everything now syncs arose iCloud with your other iOS devices and Apple TV.