Apple Odd Stuff: Don’t mock the socks

The iPod Socks were the first of Apple’s iPod accessories. I, like others, thought maybe Steve was joking when he announced the socks at the U2 event in October of 2004. While they may not be the most functional of cases, or even overly protective for that matter, getting six different colors for $29 is almost a bargain in the Apple accessory world. I will say that this product is the one product that nearly everyone loves to mock. Some of the most hardened Apple fanboys/girls think this product is ridiculous. I, however, don’t agree. I love me some Apple iPod socks. Today we are going to look at cute things people have done with their iPod socks —modifications and alternatives.

The Cuteness

I’ve featured Sam’s adorable gadgets in hats pic before. Nice use of socks!

Ipod sock puppet.

The “Don’t try this at home”

Use your iPod socks as votive candle snuggies. Unless there are some of those fancy little LED fake votives in there, I’m having none of this. I may be a bit overly sensitive to fire though.

Modify it and make it cute

Since this is obviously Canadian, I will call it by it’s Canadian name, an iPod toque. Actually maybe the word toque is wider spread than just Canada, but I would have called this a beanie.

Homemade iPod socks

Sock monkey pattern!

If you want your iPod to have a bit of a creepy personality, the fuzzy googley eyed iPod sock.

This was modified into an iPod sock from a hand-knitted knee socks. They look so warm and fuzzy I’m a bit sad they are no longer real socks.

For you gamer geeks, a hand made iPod sock with a 1up mushroom.

Here are a few more examples of handmade iPod socks. You guys can mock the sock all you want but if you go to and search for iPod sock there are hundreds of them out there. Viva le iPod sock!!

Time to fess up. How many of you rock the socks? Let your geek flag fly and leave me a comment below!

Apple Systems Admin for mac-fusion, which is just a fancy name for a tech. For the last 12 years I've been fixing Macs and we specialize in helping businesses run their company on a Mac. If you like Mac tweets,… Full Bio