When the Twitter API was updated a few weeks ago, some developers had to make changes to their apps to conserve the usage of the Twitter API. Because of this, Tweetbot decided to pull the alpha build of Tweetbot for Mac as they were figuring out a way to get around the new Twitter API restrictions. This scared some hardcore Tweetbot fans who were worried about the app possibly never actually making it to the market. But fear not, Tweetbot alpha is back and better than ever.
Now that Tweetbot for Mac is back in its full alpha glory, what changes have been made? First off, users can no longer add new accounts nor can they reauthorize accounts on the Mac app. If a user attempts to download the alpha build of Tweetbot without having any authorized Twitter accounts on a previous build, they will not be able to use the app. The folks at TapBots have said that new users will be able to use the application once the offical build hits the market.
If you would like to view the full change list, you’re in luck, since we’ve embedded it below for your viewing pleasure:
- Lots of bug fixes.
- Can paste images into new tweet window again.
- Can copy tweets on timeline.
- Can do ‘open in new column’ (they also have keyboard shortcuts).
- Multi-column swiping and keyboard support much improved. Use tab shift/tab to move between columns.
- Better keyboard support: status detail + many other views.
- Profile view: can scroll user information so can see more tweets.
- Drag and drop tweets has been improved.
- Gap loading works properly now.
- Context click on tweet action buttons in timeline.
- Did I mention we fixed a bunch of bugs too?
Source: TapBots Blog