It’s clear that developers are a pretty skittish bunch when it comes to shifting gears to a new model of application distribution, especially when that model is replacing a trusted and true model like selling your apps in your own web store. Based on today’s findings, it doesn’t seem like many developers are worried about Apple’s Mac App Store as a primary distribution model, however; the Mac App Store now has more than 10,000 application available in the market place.
From Macgenereation, and translated from French to English using Google Translate:
The Mac App Store was launched January 6, 2011 with 1,000 applications. Apple release last December of the 100 million downloads by his shop. By comparison, the App Store for iOS it contains 600 000 applications – 200 000 for iPad . The iTunes Store, there are 28 million pieces that are available.
The Mac App Store is no iOS App Store, but given the fact that the Mac App Store is trying to change the app download paradigm for a technology that’s been around for generations, it’s doing a lot better than we would have assumed. What’s really interesting about the numbers is that the iOS App Store is blowing the Mac App Store out of the water comparatively. We’re standing at a technology crossroads, and it’s really starting to look obvious that Apple chose the right path when they decided to focus so heavily on the iPhone and iPad.