Looking for a way to search across your cloud services like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Gmail for your files and documents? You may want to check out the newly released, fresh out of beta app named Found. It’s like Spotlight, but for the cloud.
A quick search here and another there immediately turns up results from across your cloud services, and then provides you with a quick-look reference for the images, videos, and files you’re looking for once you click on them. Found also searches your email attachments in Gmail, which is super handy.
Currently the application only supports Dropbox, Google Drive, and Gmail, but a little birdie let us know that the company is also planning on integrating more services in the near future, although we’re not 100 percent certain which will be included. You can, however, add multiple cloud credentials so you can search multiple Google accounts. Additionally, the application also supports a local file search, just in case the file you’re actually looking for is available locally as well.
The app is currently free on the App Store, and it’s worth checking out, especially if you heavily rely on Google’s cloud services for your document and email services.