Not long after the iPhone 5 was released people starting complaining about a “purple haze” that was showing up in their pictures. Apple has responded to this issue and it’s actually pretty common when taking photographs, even without the iPhone 5. But, if it still really bothers you, there’s a new app, Camera Fix, available in the App Store that claims it can fix this problem for you.
For those that don’t know, this purple haze happens when a light source is just outside of the photo frame, on the outside edge of the camera’s lens. The new app, Camera Fix, is basically a touch-up tool that alters photos to remove, or reduce, the purple haze that you sometimes see in photos.
The app contains a filter, depurple, that helps eliminate the purple haze problem. Camera Fix will also sharpen your pictures to increase definition and emphasize colors.
So if the purple haze really bothers you, follow the link below to get Camera Fix from the App Store for $0.99.
Image Credit: iDownloadBlog