Until now Apple and Samsung sales figures have been kept confidential throughout the trial but for the first timeĀ details of Apple and Samsung sales in the US were revealed as part of a court filing on Thursday. The filing revealed interesting information, confirming Apple’s iPad sales far outweigh that of Samsung’s Galaxy Tab.
While Apple has always reported the number of actual units sold, Samsung usually reveals the number of units shipped instead of units actually sold. The new filing in court yesterday reveals a big difference in Samsung’s shipped units compared to those actually sold.
The filing reveals a product-by-product look at how Samsung and Apple did from 2010 through the second quarter of 2012 in the US. The sales figures for Samsung’s devices only represent those models that Apple has claimed infringe on their designs, with a total of 21 million units sold between June 2010 and June 2012.
The original Galaxy Tab arrived in 2010, and Samsung sold 262,000 units in the US, after claiming they had shipped over 2 million units. From the fourth quarter of 2010 through the middle of 2012, Samsung sold 1.4 million Galaxy Tab and Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablets, generating $644 million in revenue.
During that same time frame, Apple sold 29.7 million iPads, generating $14.8 billion.
From the iPhone’s release in 2007 to the second quarter of this year, Apple has sold 85 million iPhones in the US, which generated $50 billion. Compare this to Samsung’s 1.675 million units of its Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch, totaling $764 million in sales, with the largest seller being the Galaxy Prevail, which sold 2,255 units.
All in all, Apple pretty much laid a spanking on Samsung in the sales department, no matter what metic Samsung used in their statistics.
Source: AllThingsD via Electronista
Image Credit: AllThingsD