Yup, that’s right. Apple pulled a stupid today, announcing that the iPhone 4 had a calculation problem instead of a hardware problem. Sure the phone “could” have a problem with the calculations that determine signal strength, which then results in people thinking they have a better signal than they do. But, evidence is mounting against the phone, and it’s only a matter of time before third parties decide to take one of these iPhones apart and figure out what the real problem is. Apple just gave them incentive.
People are starting to provide proof that there’s a bigger problem with the iPhone 4 than Apple’s letting on. Take for instance this YouTube video, which shows a user being able to stop data transmission entirely with his finger. When touching the crease, the GSM feedback from his speakers stops, which isn’t a big deal alone, but since it also pauses Safari’s progress indicator dead in its tracks, we’re a little bit more worried.

Sure, a YouTube video isn’t a definitive response to the problem, but it certainly shows that evidence is mounting, and Apple could be in for a world of trouble if someone with a little more clout speaks up against the problems.
Apple should never have addressed the public, claiming that the problem is a calculation problem, unless it really is the entire problem. We certainly hope it is the problem, but we’re a little skeptical. The funny thing is that this may actually not be an antenna problem at all, and could instead be a design problem. It’s also the reason that we recommend holding off on fundamentally redesigned products until the second version. You just don’t know how good something is going to be until it ships. As it stands, I’m still not sure if I’m going to be picking up an iPhone 4. Luckily, being in Canada has its perks this time around, and I’ll be eagerly awaiting news of dropped calls in Canada before I make up my mind. Our writers in the UK have noticed
that holding the phone with the left hand does make your signal drop, but that dropped calls are a rarity. The more this plays out, the more it sounds like a poor design, and crappy cellular service are to blame for the dropped calls.
Can Verizon get the phone soon enough?
In all honesty though, most people buy a case for their iPhone, so this whole debacle is getting to be a little bit too much to stomach.
Article Via Apple PR
Photo Credit: Martin uit Utrecht