Ellen Degeneres in Trouble with Apple?

It seems like daytime talk show host Ellen Degeneres has hit a wall when it comes to poking fun at companies. Those who are regular...

iPhone OS 4 Beta 3 released

Today the iPhone OS 4 beta 3 (and the accompanying SDK) has been released for developers. This will be a welcome relief for anyone who kept the...

Syncing Notes over MobileMe is coming in iPhone OS 4

Cult Of Mac is reporting that we will see the ability to sync your notes via MobileMe in the next version of the iPhone OS....

Fight Lyme disease with an iPhone app?

The fine folks at Yale have decided to fight back against the Lyme Disease spreading ticks.  Students at the Yale School of Public Health set...

iSignOn — Now free in the App Store

If you missed my review of iSignOn for the iPhone and iPod Touch, this is a good time to check it out. I received an...

Wired rewrites their app to meet Apple’s requirements

Apparently Wired is rejiggering their mobile app so that it no longer runs as an AIR application, and instead is programmed with Objective-C. Did anyone...

Apple seals fate of Canadian game: iSealClub rejected from App Store

The St. John’s Telegram reports that Apple has rejected an iPhone game based on the Canadian seal hunt due to “objectionable content.” iSealClub, developed by...

FIFA World Cup 10 now available in the App Store

Electronic Arts has officially released FIFA World Cup 10 for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad for $6.99 on the app store. You can choose...

Adobe’s CEO fires back at Apple and blows it

We all expected Adobe to fire back at some point, but we weren’t expecting it to hit the airwaves so quickly today. Adobe’s CEO Shantanu...

Steve writes any open letter about Flash

Steve Jobs has decided it’s time to share his thought on Flash, through an open letter that was released today on Apple’s website. If you don’t...

Is Hulu right around the corner for the iPhone?

Before the iPad was released there were rumors that Hulu would be available as one of the apps that would launch with the iPad. It...

Apple absorbs Siri — Possible iPhone Search Upgrades

Apple has purchased Siri, a dedicated search application for the iPhone, and this could mean that Apple is lining up to take on Google directly....

Apple has more than ten times the daily app downloads than RIM

Business Insider is reporting that even though RIM’s Blackberry phones have a larger share of the smart phone market than Apple’s iPhone, the App Store...

iPhone 4th Gen Leak Aftermath: Gizmodo Editor’s House Raided by Police

Gizmodo has posted the warrant that was used to confiscate four personal computers and two servers from Jason Chen’s house. This was in response to...

iTravel… Travel life just got a whole lot easier.

Apple continues to make our lives easier with the products that they make.  The iPod brought us digital music that was easy to attain and...

Gizmodo’s next-gen iPhone – updates and what it means

Obviously a lot has gone on with the next generation iPhone hardware fiasco since we last wrote about it. Gizmodo published a lot more of...

Creating Web Apps for the iPhone that work offline

Some people don’t want to go through the hassle of creating a native iPhone OS application. Maybe they don’t want to battle with the app...

Gizmodo “joking” about the 4G leak being legit? Ive says it’s a lark

There’s obviously incentive to “Punk” the internet and get a slew of new traffic. Gizmodo’s been known to do some pretty skeezy things during their...