1Password team releases iPad Mockups

I’ve said from day one that we’re not going to know how successful the iPad is going to be as a device until we start...

Apple stores getting iPads on the 10th of March

Everyone and there brother is reporting that the iPad will be ready for purchase on March 26th, and now we’re hearing that Apple Stores will...

Axiotron trying to up the ante by giving away a digitizer pen

If anyone ever believed that a tablet running OS X was the future, no one believe more than the fine folks at Axiotron. They poured...

Book publishers are already crying about ebook prices

Barriers to entry seem to be the talk of the day as book publishers are already starting to send out PR specialists to counter the...

Panicking yet? iPad may be in short supply come release day

Everyone panic! Quick, get your food storage in tip top shape, board up the windows, and make sure you have shotgun shells on the shelf!...

How will you use your iPad?

I’m filled with anticipation, like a kid on Christmas Eve.  With only weeks left before the iPad is released, I started to think to myself,...

Video Proof that Flash kills battery life? Evidence from a Nexus One

It’s no secret that Steve Jobs is on a mission to move the world away from Flash and towards HTML5 supported technologies. Jobs has been...

Which iPad are you?

With about a month to go before the iPad is released, you might be asking yourself, which iPad am I?  Will you be waiting for...

Paying for Hulu on the iPad? Pft

Zoot Alors, Hulu may have decided to end the “free lunch” for users, and instead start providing paid for content. There’s no word on if...

Surprise Surprise, Apple’s hiding shipping data

It’s been an interesting week for Apple Inc. All week long pundits, competitors, and partners have been lambasting Apple for their overly pre-cautious practices of...

Apple Doubles 3G Download Limit

News of Apple increasing the 3G download limit to 20MB is streaking across the internet like wildfire. The rumors about why are even more rampant....

Samsung’s AMOLED display might be in the next iPhone

During CES I wrote a quick article about Samsung’s AMOLED displays being the future for Apple’s mobile devices. I admit that I didn’t think they’d...

Wired illustrates the power of the “Tablet”

All along we’ve been alluding to the fact that the success of the iPad is going to rest solely on the shoulders of the developers....

Bill Gates not impressed with the iPad. Why am I not surprised?

All Things Digital reports that, Bill Gates is not impressed with the iPad.  Really Bill, really?  Why is that?  Is it because the Tablet PC...

Apple’s iPad and iBooks.app unbundled

Daring Fireball’s John Gruber is reporting that the iBooks application will not be included on the iPad by default. He’s stating this because according to...

Everyone’s favourite video streaming service, Hulu, going HTML5

Well excuse me if I’m not all super excited about Hulu’s attempt at moving to H.264. I live in Canada.. You know, America’s hat? Alright,...

Who woulda thunk it, higher prices means lagged sales

First, we should say that lagged sales doesn’t mean a loss of sales. Music’s continuing to be sold on iTunes, and corporations are still making...

iPad Camera kit gets some competition from Zoomit

A lot of people criticized the iPad for the lack of an SD card reader, despite Apple releasing the iPad Camera kit. I’m still not...