Everyone and there brother is reporting that the iPad will be ready for purchase on March 26th, and now we’re hearing that Apple Stores will have them in store on the 10th so that their employees can get some much needed hands on time with the device. It kinda makes sense that employees will be given time with the device before they’re required to start selling them to customers.
The Examiner is also reporting that the iPad advertisements will focus heavily on the ebook functions of the device. That is something many people have speculated wouldn’t happen. Up until recently, it was being said that the iPad would treat the iBookstore as “another” function of the device instead of the key feature of the device. I’m a little skeptical about the news being reported from the Examiner since most know that Apple retail employees generally know squat about product releases until they show up at their shipping dock, so take this news with a grain of salt.
Personally I think the eBooks should be front and centre. Digital books, digital textbooks, and digital magazines are what’s going to set this device apart from the others, so leaving the functionality in the background of advertisements doesn’t seem to make much sense.
Via the Apple Blog