Apple thinking about gaming on the Apple TV

If you have an iPad, you’d probably agree with me when I say that there have been plenty of times where I’ve wished that I...

Pro Tip: Use Click2Flash to download Quicktime versions of YouTube videos

Ever want to take a copy of something off of YouTube? We are by no means suggesting that you take copyrighted material from the web. So,...

DaisyDisk: 24-hour sale

DaisyDisk is a visual mapping program that allows you to see where all your disk space has disappeared. Check out our review of DaisyDisk for...

Twitterrific 4 approved and heading to the Mac App Store tomorrow

The first Mac OS X Twitter client will be finding a new home in the Mac App Store tomorrow, according to a Tweet from Twitterrific....

It’s finally happened: Sparrow now on the Mac App Store

A lot of people rely on Gmail and Google Accounts for their email these days. We certainly do. That being said, often leaves us...

Rumor: Apple Stores to end software box sales?

According to Mac Rumors, the Mac App Store may be the end of retail software box sales at Apple Stores around the world. Boxed software...

Sync Todolicious with Dropbox

During the wee hours of the night, I commented on Twitter about my desire for Todolicious to sync between my Macs. One of our awesome...

A tale of two (identical) Mac Apps

If you go right now to the Mac App store and do a search for a game called Lugaru, you’ll see one called Lugaru HD...

Today only: Tracks goes free on the Mac App Store

My days never go quite as well when I’m not listening to music. If it wasn’t for iTunes and my readily available music collection, I...

Todolicious is free on the Mac App Store today only

We’ve featured Todolicious on the website previously in a review. Susan loved it, but you should probably read her review in its entirety. Today, Mustacheware...

Microsoft contemplating an appearance in the Mac App Store

First, I’d like to say that I personally live in a world where the “best” alternative makes an appearance in my workflow. I’m so far...

Quick App: Salling Media Sync – for Mac to Android

I switched from my iPhone to an HTC Evo 4G on release day back in June. One of the first things I missed was a...

NoteTote: Tell your computer to start a download from the iPhone

There have been a couple of times over the last year when I’ve been out with friends and they recommend some music to me, or...