Microsoft Employees See MacBook Pro For The Very First Time, Proceed To Lose Their Minds

After using a Windows PC your whole life, it might be a bit of a shock the first time you get your hands on a...

Unethically Sourced Tantalum Is Not On Apple’s List Of Ingredients

Apple has released its annual Supplier Responsibility Report, a report conducted each year by the company to ensure good working conditions for its factory workers...

New Video Shows Discovery Of The Steve Jobs ‘Lisa Mouse’ Time Capsule

Back in September, we reported on the discovery of a long lost time capsule that contained the original Lisa mouse as used by Steve Jobs...

How Steve Jobs Tried To Have Sony Put OS X On Its Computers In 2001

Today you would never expect to see a non-Apple computer ship with OS X installed. Back in 2001, however, this was almost the case. Popular...

Apple Admits To Mail Issues In Mavericks, Offers Cumbersome Solution

It may be too little, way too late considering Mavericks shipped over three months ago, but Apple has finally acknowledged that something’s a bit rotten...

Guy Fakes Being Apple Store Employee, Hilariously Trolls Customers

File this under the “how gullible can you be” category. Comedian Tyler Fischer dressed up as an Apple store employee and decided it was a...

Forgotify: Find A Song You’ve Never Heard On Spotify

Did you know Spotify has approximately 4 million songs that have never been played by someone? That’s a heck of a lot of creative juice...

Apple TV Now Has Its Own Dedicated Section On Apple’s Online Store

If you’re a fan of the Apple TV, your favorite little box was just given quite a bit more exposure. Apple has updated its online...

Apple Celebrates The Mac’s 30th Birthday At Its Company Headquarters

Apple has been doing some pretty cool things in honor of the Macintosh’s 30th birthday, but arguably the coolest thing yet is what it’s done...

30 Years Later, iFixit Tears Down The Original Macintosh

Nowadays when popular new devices come out, you can count on iFixit to open them up and tell you all the gory details of their...

Apple Celebrates The Mac’s 30th Birthday On Its Website

30 years ago, in 1984, Apple released the original Macintosh. In honor of the big 3-0, the company has chosen to celebrate the device’s birthday...

New Apple Patent Shows Off A “Buttonless” MacBook Trackpad

A newly approved patent hints that Apple could someday get rid of the button in its MacBook’s iconic trackpads. The patent, which was originally submitted...

Change Default Quick Look Apps On The Fly

Dear Finder, please stop trying to open up my PHP in TextEdit from the Quick Look window. Is there anything more annoying when OS X...

New Mac Pro Deliveries Not Expected To Arrive Until March Outside North America

If you live outside of North America and are thinking of ordering a Mac Pro online, it seems like you might have to wait until...

The Bureau, Doctor Who: Legacy, Rèpublique, Angry Birds Go, And The Room Two Are Our Games Of The Week

So it’s time for some games. We took an extended Holiday break there, but we are back with a huge list of games for you...

Google Chrome For Desktop Updated To Ver. 32, Brings Better Tabs

If your preferred tool for browsing the World Wide Web on your desktop is Google Chrome, you’ll be happy to see some welcome improvements the...

Our 2013 Games Of The Year

Last year we started covering games, and we’ve seen a lot of great games on every platform we cover here at Macgasm. Though this may...

iFixit Gives New Mac Pro A 8/10 In Repairability

iFixit has gone and given the slick new Mac Pros its traditional teardown, and they’re pretty impressed. iFixit primarily had good things to say about...