Tag: Zynga
In which Zynga buys OMGPOP, and I immediately uninstall Draw Something
If you’re the type who likes exclaiming OMFG in your text messages, get ready for a big one: OMGPOP was just purchased by Zynga for...
Zynga might be in talks to acquire Draw Something developer OMGPOP
Last week, we told you about the new smash hit Draw Something from OMGPOP for iPhone and iPad. The game is still currently sitting in...
Vostu lays off ‘undisclosed number’ of employees after being sued by Zynga
The biggest social game developer in Latin America, Vostu — the company that brought us Pet Mania and Candy Dash — is experiencing a bit...
Alleged ex-Zynga employee tells all on Reddit
Zynga has been seeing more than its fair share of questionable publicity lately concerning the blatant ripping off of games like Tiny Tower. When an...
Zynga releases ForestVille for iOS devices
Zynga, reigning dreadlords of the social media game universe, have extended yet another talon into a new frontier: ForestVille is now released for iOS.
Zynga tells employees to give their stock back or be fired
Zynga, the company that made FarmVille and other Facebook games that lure stay-at-home moms into poverty and ruin, wants to go IPO and feels that...
Hanging With Friends is a fun hangman game with a twist
If you love playing the game Hangman then Hanging With Friends is a game you should try. Brought to you by Zynga, the creators of...
Lady Gaga and Zynga team up to bring us the glittery world of GagaVille
Mashable just reported that Lady Gaga and Zynga will partner to release GagaVille, a special edition of the popular Facebook game FarmVille. GagaVille is going to be...