Mashable just reported that Lady Gaga and Zynga will partner to release GagaVille, a special edition of the popular Facebook game FarmVille.
GagaVille is going to be a neighborhood farm in your FarmVille game, coming complete with unicorns, glitter and crystals. What this means is that GagaVille will pop up as a new farm you can visit, right next to all your FarmVille friends’ farms. If you visit Lady Gaga’s farm, you can exclusively listen to unreleased tracks of Lady Gaga’s new album Born This Way (due out May 23).
Gaga fans who buy a $25 Zynga game card at Best Buy will also get the full new Gaga album as a free download.
Besides GagaVille, the new godmother of pop and Zynga are also launching a special contest within the popular Scrabble knock-off Words With Friends, now called Words With Gaga. Players of the game who can play the secret Gaga word of the day will be able to win concert tickets as well as a signed copy of Born This Way.
The best part for all the FarmVille and Lady Gaga fanatics: Zynga will give away limited edition Lady Gaga items that can be used across Znyga games.