Tag: Sync

Fight! Fight! Fight! Apple and Palm going at it!

Apple’s currently fighting legal battles on many fronts these days, but it’s to be expected when you’re a company with such a huge public outreach....

Palm Pre now syncable.

It’s okay, I get it, some of you might have a palm pre. Being fair, it’s probably a great phone and I’ve never physically gotten...

Beam me Over with Teleport!

From time to time I come across an absolutely amazing app that I can’t live without, be it a silly utility or some kind of...

Why Mobile Me Sucks Pt. 2 — Free Calendar syncing with Google’s Calaboration.

It’s pretty obvious that one of the major approaches to Mobile Me is syncing technology, it’s supposed to make it easy, but what they fail...

One reason why Mobile Me is a waste of money–Rsync.

Did you know you can sync folders between your machines without using Mobile Me? This is the first post in a series of posts highlighting...

Bento for the iPhone is finally here.

No one does personal databases quite like Bento these days. For some of us sadistic types there’s Filemaker, but for the rest of us there’s...

Official Kindle iPhone app!

We have been hearing rumors of aKindle app for the iphone for the last month or so, But now it is official! The “Kindle for...

Unconventional Shovebox App (for the iphone) Review.

He said it was as buggy as a Volkswagon dealership, but I’m pretty sure he overstated a little. We’ve talked about Dan Grover and his...

The Enterprise Just Got Cool…

As excited as I am about all of the cool stuff that will soon be available because of what the iPhone SDK has to offer...

Getting your contacts in order one Fruux at a time.

With all the web 2.0 hype, and all these social networking sites that let you keep in contact with each other, one has to wonder...