Tag: Smartphones

Watch Random People React To Smartphone App Permissions Requests

Do you read the privacy policies or permissions requests for the apps and services you use every day? If you’re like most people, your answer...

HTC cuts forecast by 23 percent, blaming everyone else but themselves

HTC has notified investors of a revenue forecast cut that could reach 23 percent in the upcoming quarter. This means the original estimation of $4...

1% of world’s web traffic comes from iPads

One measly percent might not sound like a lot, but think about how much content is distributed via the web. Ask a browser startup if...

Are you guilty of using your phone before getting out of bed?

Ericsson ConsumerLab researchers recently did an 18 month survey to see how many users checked their phone before they got up and out of bed...

Report: Smartphones outshipping PCs

According to a new report, late last year, the total number of smartphones shipped has eclipsed the number of PCs shipped. Here’s CNN Money’s David Goldman:...

Android may force Apple to lift Adobe Flash ban

Adobe’s Flash seems to still be fighting the ban on iOS devices. Even though Apple CEO Steve Jobs has enforced this ban, people in the...

Slingbox Mobile for iPad coming soon

If you’re a fan of television and you’re a techie, then you know about Slingbox and the SlingPlayer line of products. In a nutshell —...

iPhone Tip – iPhone 4 Voice Commands

When I got my iPhone 4, I was excited to try out the voice commands.  I had the iPhone 3G which did not have this...

Complete analysis of iPhone 4 antenna problem

Since the release of the iPhone 4, there has been a lot of anecdotal reports that holding the phone a certain way can lead to...

Apple slips up: iWork for the iPhone is obviously on the way

What’s missing for Apple’s mobile devices? What’s the one thing that you hear over and over again when non-techies talk about the iPhone and iPad...

iPhone Tip – Free up memory and conserve battery life

A feature that has been asked for by many of Apple’s iPhone customers is multitasking.  Apple gave it to us with the release of iOS...

Offload movies from your iPhone 4 directly to your iPad

Here’s an interesting tidbit for today. If you were lucky enough to get an iPad Camera Connection Kit when they launched a long side the...

Apple’s iPhone 4 costs $187.51 to build

Outside of the original iPhone, the iPhone 4 is now the second most expensive iPhone to be created. Most of the additional costs are being...

Apple sold 1.5 million iPhone 4s already?

A lot of people were lining up yesterday for access to the iPhone 4, so it probably doesn’t come as a surprise to most that...

Double Tap still brings up iPod settings on the iPhone 4 and other iOS devices

Did you know that you can still universally bring up the iPod settings on your iOS device with a double tap? I didn’t. It took...

Lefties need not Apply, iPhone 4 is dropping your calls

We’re not joking. If you hold your iPhone with your left hand, much like I do, you might notice a lot of dropped calls. Early...

Problem with multitasking, and a possible solution

After getting multitasking on my phone, one thing became pretty clear right off the bat. It’s great that I can now listen to pandora, surf...

How much money is Apple making off the App Store anyway?

You can look at the App Store in two very distinct ways. The first suggests that developers are making money, and that the largest digital...