Tag: instapaper
Napkin, Trek, Medly, Instapaper, And Tweetdeck Are Our Apps Of The Week
No programming tutorials this week, but if you check out the next games post, you may find something interesting. I do have an app that...
Apps of the Week: Draw Something, Readability, and Gradient
It’s Friday, and that means it’s time to take a look at some awesome apps for each platform: iPhone, iPad, and Mac OS. Today, we’re...
Macgasm weekly rewind: December 12th Edition
The Macgasm weekly rewind focuses on our original content and reviews that you may have missed the week starting December 12th. iOS 5.1 will let...
Apps of the Week: FlightTrack Pro, Instapaper, and iAWriter
It’s Friday, and that means it’s time to take a look at some awesome apps for each platform: iPhone, iPad, and Mac OS. Today, we’re...
“Reading List” spotted in Lion Safari
Mac Rumors has discovered a new feature in Lion’s build of Safari named “Reading List.” The service is inactive at this point, but is described...
The Early Edition and a Cup of Coffee: A Perfect Pairing
Early Edition is an excellent RSS reader. In fact, I hesitate to call it just a feed reader because it does more than list the feeds, it transforms them. It makes reading news feeds an enjoyable activity, like poring over a beloved newspaper with a cup of coffee.
Read Your Web Pages Offline with Instapaper Pro
Instapaper Pro ($4.99) is the answer to the biggest lacking feature on the iPod touch, as it offers offline viewing for your favorite online documents....