Tag: google

Clearly someone pulled the Google Voice app.

Seriously?  So, neither Apple, nor AT&T yanked the application from the AppStore? Right.  So, then Google’s Voice App should still be in the AppStore.  Oh...

Web App first and iPhone app second. It’ll save you a lot of heartache.

Obviously the AppStore could mean huge dollars for a developer, but putting that aside, I wonder just how imperative the AppStore is in today’s internet...

FCC expands its investigation, now includes Google Voice application

It looks as though the United States Federal Communication Commission has opened an investigation into the rejection of the Google Voice application within the iTunes...

Apple hates Google. It’s that simple.

Lets think this through shall we? Step One: Apple approves applications that use google voice technology. Step Two: Apple’s Phil Schiller personally approves one of...

Apple needs to get that Chrome off their board, and focus on the Cloud.

It’s taken me quite a while to wrap my head around Google’s announcement of their OS, and it hasn’t been easy gathering my thoughts about...

Time to figure out the real cost of those sexy smartphones.

There’s hidden fees and costs everywhere today. Smartphones are no different. While there’s clearly price differentiations across the Pre, Android G1, and iPhone lines, there’s...

Google officially releases Quick Search for the Mac

Google has released the Quick search application today. Search engines are currently working on next generation online searches applications, and it’s no surprise that they’ve...

Snow Leopard news from WWDC

It’s coming, and we’ve finally got an official word on a release… month. Apple has pegged a release in September, but they were far from...

Whither my apps?

I am not a geek. I’m a Mac fan and have been since 1984. For years, I and others were relegated to the netherworld of...

Why Mobile Me Sucks Pt. 2 — Free Calendar syncing with Google’s Calaboration.

It’s pretty obvious that one of the major approaches to Mobile Me is syncing technology, it’s supposed to make it easy, but what they fail...

Is Apple Going to Buy Twitter?

There have been talks for months about Google possibly acquiring Twitter. You have seen it in blogs, social media sites, and even in magazines. At...

Google Sync for iPhone OS

Google recently introduced a new feature for Gmail users who wish to sync their iPhone contacts with Gmail contacts; Microsoft Exchange Support. It is quite...

Looks like Google’s about to challenge Boxee.

While it might not be a head-to-head battle royale, it certainly seems like Boxee might have a challenge on their hands as someone from a...

Google Speak to Search Available, and it doesn’t like Canadians.

Like every other location based application on the Appstore, Canadians in any city not named Toronto get the shaft. It’s annoying that the national capital,...

Voice Search Coming to the iPhone.

There’s speculation that we’ll be getting voice search for our iPhone today. It’s a pretty exciting feature-beep and speak. Get photos, addresses, weather…well, anything that...

Like Frosted Flakes, Fluid is Great!

Do you have a lot of online services that you use all the time? Are you sick of always having to open up a web...

Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and Apple?

There’s much buzz in the Valley over Google’s leap into the proposed MS/Yahoo deal. WSJ has particularly good reporting on Google’s interest and maneuvers in...

Mailplane Is A Decent App

About three months ago I installed the Mailplane application. I had an invite sent to me by a friend because it was still in its...