Tag: Apple

FBI, Apple Investigating Celebrity iCloud Hacks

NBC News reports that both the FBI and Apple are investigating the recent hacks of celebrity iCloud accounts, that in turn resulted in the leaking...

Apple Pushes Two New Channels To Apple TV

Apple has pushed a couple more channels to the Apple TV today, an act that’s quickly becoming a common occurance. Today, the channels pushed to...

Apple Launches New Replacement Program For iPhone 5’s With Battery Woes

That’s two things you now need to get your iPhone 5 checked out for at the Apple Store the next time you make a genius...

Things May Get A Little Large In Dubai With New Apple Store

Ostentatious, sure. Insane, maybe. Outright awesome, absolutely. Apple, known for building some of the most beautiful retail stores around the world, has plans to expand...

And The Emmy Goes To… Apple

The “pre” Emmy awards were Saturday night. You know, the part of the award ceremony where everyone not a big primetime star gets their bling. It was...

Apple Shareholder Sues Company Over Anti-Poaching Agreement

Apple shareholder R. Andre Klein is suing Apple for financial losses due to misconduct by senior directors at the company, namely for Apple’s “Hands Off...

What Are The Employee Diversity Numbers Across The Tech Industry?

On the heels of Apple’s release of demographic information, Nick Heer over at PixelEnvy has taken the time to chart the diversity numbers for the...

Apple CEO Wants More ‘Diversity’ At Apple, Publishes Company Demographics

Apple has published its workforce diversity numbers online., and the results aren’t all that surprising considering the industry: 70 percent of Apple’s global workforce is...

Buy An Apple TV, Get A Free $25 iTunes Gift Card

If you buy your media content through iTunes, now is the time to buy your first (second, or third) Apple TV from Apple. The company...

New Microsoft Surface Ads Skate To Where The Puck Was A Decade Ago

I can’t tell, can you help me out? Is the Microsoft Surface a tablet, or a computer? Is it supposed to kill off both the...

Pulling Back The Veil On Apple University

Move over traditional universities, corporations are starting to replace you with their very own training programs. Apple University, public now for a while, helps train...

China Wasn’t Punishing Apple For “Security Reasons” After All

Turns out China didn’t ban Apple gear after all. In a statement given to Reuters, China’s Central Government Procurement Centre, and the finance ministry, clarified...

Just like that, A Wild Beats By Dre Section Appears

Just like that, it’s officially official. Apple has already welcomed Beats to the fold, but apparently it wasn’t until today that the company added a...

WTF: Microsoft Offering Chinese Workers Nokia Smartphones To Resign

Here’s one from the “I can’t believe this shit is real” department. Microsoft, in response to unrest over its plans to layoff 4,700 workers (and...

Locationgate: China Is Taking Action Againt Apple For Something That Happened Back In 2011

Work for the Chinese government? There’s no way you’re walking out of the office with an iPad or MacBook unless you purchased it with your...

Apple Realizes Record App Store Revenue, Transactions In July

July 2014 was a record setting month for the App Store. According to a statement given to CNBC, the App Store saw record revenue as well...

iPhone Event Date Set?

Squee. It’s time to start saving. You have just over one month to save enough cash for a new iPhone. According to Re/Code, Apple has...

Apple Not Only Has Its Own Cake, But It’s Eating Everyone Else’s Too

There’s enjoying your cake, but then there’s also enjoying your cake while everyone else is left fighting over tables caps. Apple’s enjoying its cake. Everyone...