I can’t tell, can you help me out? Is the Microsoft Surface a tablet, or a computer? Is it supposed to kill off both the MacBook and the iPad, or is it supposed to fall somewhere in the middle?
This morning, three new Microsoft Surface advertisements dropped. I do mean dropped, and it’s not like “it’s hot” either. The main goal, at least to my plebeian brain, is to show us just how terrible the MacBook is when compared to the Surface.
Here, see for yourself:
If you’re still around (why the hell would you be), can you please let me know what the point of the commercials are at this point? I thought it was obvious that the MacBook Air wasn’t a tablet, but apparently I’m an idiot. Maybe people really are still debating between a terrible tablet and a fantastic computer. I thought we already made the distinction between the two devices.
I honestly have no idea any more.