Tag: Apple

Safari gets a kick in the security ass.

Apple decided to grace us with some updates yesterday. I have a sneaking suspicion that these updates were completely related to the “hacking” that occurred...

How easily do you bruise?

[Your humble author deeply regrets his recent absence. He still loves you very, very much. — C.R.] A couple weeks back, I was pointed in...

I <3 Keyboard Short Cuts, and so does Dan Rodney.

I’m always telling new mac users what the shortcut key combos mean, and why they all look so messed up. I know first hand how...

Safari is exploitable, oh my!

I’ve taken a couple of days to think about this before I posted my opinions. I’ve gone from apathy to anger pretty quickly, as I’ve...

Aperture 2.1

Apple has decided it was in their best interest to grace us with an Aperture update this fine Friday afternoon. Just what I need, another...

State of Video, as I see it. Part II: Set Top Boxes

Preface: The information contained within this article(s) is only given for informational purposes. Macgasm and its authors do not condone or support the violation of...

(Solid) State of the Union

One of the more common complaints that I’ve been hearing about the Macbook Air (and I’m not referring to its slower processor, lack of optical...

Intelligent Editorial: Safari Being Pushed On Windows Users?

Whoop De Freaking Doo, another post about Apple pushing Safari on Windows user right? Well, sort of, but from a new angle. Vincent Ferrari of...

Safari being pushed on windows users.

I’m not a big fan of corporations pushing stuff on consumers underhandedly, and I’m seriously not a big fan of Internet Explorer, so I’m a...

Browsers and web standards

With the new Safari updates I have decided to run the acid3 test to determine which browser if any would nail the web standards test....

SDK Developer Program a closed beta?

So let me get this straight…people want to develop for the iPhone, people are willing to shell out $99.00 and potentially 30% of their profits...

Intelligent Editorial: Apple and Third Party Applications

If you don’t know by now… Well, if you don’t know by now I shudder to think that you call yourself an Mac user. Just...

The Enterprise Just Got Cool…

As excited as I am about all of the cool stuff that will soon be available because of what the iPhone SDK has to offer...

Intelligent Editorial: Apple Customer Care

Although you may not believe me after my previous editorial, I really think Apple is an awesome company. Something about having a mac makes you...

From iLife 08 to Office 2007

As I said in my introductory post, I live (proudly) as a Mac user in a Microsoft OS build and support center. And try as...

Intelligent Editorial: Obsolescence

If you are a major fanboy shield your eyes. Hehe I knew you wouldn’t anyway so let’s get started. I am really sick of obsolescence,...

iHype: Think Different.

Have you seen this one yet? I don’t know about you, but there’s a large part of me that’s actually tired of the fanboy gristmill...