Tag: 31 Days Of OS X Tips:

31 Days Of OS X Tips: The Complete List

All throughout December, we here at Macgasm have published some of our favorite OS X tips, both basic and advanced. Miss some? No problem. Here’s the complete...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Move Bookmarks From Other Browsers Into Safari

One’s taste in Web browsers is a surprisingly personal choice. I’m a fairly devoted Safari user, but I’m not one to evangelize for it and argue...

31 Days of OS X Tips: Create Your Own Ringtones In GarageBand

Before you burn up those Christmas iTunes cards on ringtones for your iPhone, why not try making your own in GarageBand? You’ll need to have a...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Get At Hidden OS X Settings With Tinkertool

Hidden inside OS X are a cadre of settings and options that, for one reason or another, Apple never included a checkbox or picker for....

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Change Your FaceTime Ringtone

FaceTime calls on the Mac are great, but the standard ringtone can get old—especially if you use the same ringtone on iPhone. Luckily, you can...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Mute Notifications With A Single Click

Here’s a quick one for you: Did you know you can mute Notification Centers on OS X without even opening Notification Center? While holding down...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Hide Preference Panes From View In System Preferences

Tucked away in System Preferences is an option to hide preference panes you don’t want or need to use. This could come in handy if...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Show The Finder Inspector And Get Info On All The Things

The Finder’s Get Info window (Command-I) has been around since time immortal, dutifully providing file information to the masses. Normally, you need to open a new...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Put Off Software Updates Until Tomorrow

If you have an accumulation of software updates to install but don’t want to be interrupted—say that you’re working with some of the apps that...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Type Complex Emoticons With OS X’s Text Replacement Tool

I am a heavy user of emoticons, from flipping tables to the look of disapproval. You can always hunt these down online and copy and paste...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Use Automator To Resize Multiple Images At Once

I am not a tremendously heavy user of AppleScript and Automator (in fact, I never really bothered to learn AppleScript—some Mac user I am!). But...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Convert PDF Pages To A PNG Or JPEG File

Find yourself needing to export a particular page from a PDF in a format other than PDF? Maybe you want to turn a page into...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Take Control Of The Finder Sidebar

Many of our readers are long-time Mac users who have learned all sorts of shortcuts and ways of getting work done more quickly. If you’re fairly...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Use Screen Saver Images As Desktop Backgrounds

By now, you’re probably familiar with OS X’s built-in slideshow-style screen savers—if you’re not, I suggest you make haste to the Desktop & Screen Saver...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Change Which App Opens A File

There are plenty of reasons why you might want to open a file in an app other than the default choice. Maybe you want to...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Unhide Apps In The Mac App Store

On Monday, I showed you how to hide your purchases in the Mac App Store. And, well, you may have gotten a little overzealous and ended...

31 Days Of OS X Tips: Remove Reference Sources From The Dictionary App

OS X’s Dictionary app can be an invaluable reference tool. It also comes with a lot of foreign-language dictionaries that I’ll likely never have occasion...

31 Days of Mac OS X Tips: Hide Your Mac App Store Purchases

I review a lot of apps, so my Purchased list in the Mac App Store is pretty long. As you might guess, trying to find that...