I’m a keyboard guy. Any time I have to remove my hands from my keyboard to grab a mouse, I get annoyed. The only problem with my philosophy is that I have a hard time remembering keyboard shortcuts when I install new applications. Dashkards has solved my problem, and frankly, it borders on genius.
Dashkards are cheat-sheets that you can add to your Dashboard. Currently, there’s a handful of dashkards available on their website, but we’ve been assured that more are coming shortly. Apps like Mail, Evernote, Finder, Notational Velocity, Pages, and Reeder all make appearances already.
This is also a great tool for people who have recently switched to the Mac and need a little extra reminder about keyboard shortcut conventions.
We’ve attached the Reeder dashkard for simplicity, but you should really head on over to the Dashkard website and poke around.
How to use Dashkard
To install a Dashkard, click File, then Open in Dashcode from the menu bar. Once Dashcode opens, click the image below and then hit enter. It’s that simple. You can now access the cheat-sheet from Dashboard by pushing the Dashboard key on your keyboard.