I’m not to sure how I feel about posting this because it isn’t OS X related; however, it is iPod related which makes it Apple related, which then makes it Macgasm related. So, I decided I’m going to show a little linux love and post about this application. Whether we like to admit it or not, iPods don’t work so well outside of the OS X/Windows environments. Having come from Ubuntu to OS X, I know first hand just how crappy it is to have a device that doesn’t work as well as it could with my OS of choice during that period of time.
Banshee 1.2 is pretty much iTunes for the *nix environment. If you have no idea what that means then you should probably ignore this post altogether. But, our linux brethren can rejoice in the fact that the team at Banshee has been working really hard at making the iPod integration into the linux world a success. Using your iPod with Linux is no longer a major deal breaker, and you now have the option, should you choose Linux, to make the iPod your media player of choice.