Tucked away inside IOS’s Calendar app is a feature that lets you share contacts with others—either privately or publicly. It’s a useful feature for anyone who’s ever had to share important dates with others—travel itineraries, rec softball league schedules, whatever. Here’s how to find it.
Open the Calendar apps, then tap Calendars in the toolbar along the bottom of the screen. Next, tap the “i” button next to the name of the calendar you want to share.
If you want to share with specific individuals, tap Add Person… Under the “Shared With” heading. Type the names or email addresses of the people you want to share the calendar with in the “To” field, then tap Add.
The names of those who you shared your calendar with will now appear under “Shared With;” tap any of the names to choose whether you want that person to edit the calendar, resend an invitation to that person, or stop sharing the calendar with that person.
If you want to publicly share a calendar with someone, scroll to the bottom of the “Edit Calendar” screen, then slide the Public Calendar toggle to the on position–the slider will turn green. To share the link with someone, tap Share Link… and choose how you’do like to share the link via the share sheet. iOS will then step you through the process.
Anyone can subscribe to a public calendar, but others can’t edit a public calendar. If you want to allow others to edit your calendar, use the private sharing options instead.