Apple Music is going to launch next week, and another music industry fixture is complaining about the free trail period. We’ve also got more bad news for Apple, and the next story in the continuing adventures of Twitter trying to make money.
Apple Probably Can’t Shake It Off.
Taylor Swift has appointed herself, and more importantly her music, as the stick to try and get better terms for musicians. (She always seems to have ire for providers, and never the labels keeping the lion’s share of the revenue.) Her latest target is Apple Music and its free trial period. In her open letter she demands that Apple drops its plans to withhold royalties during the trial period. You can read her whole letter on Tubmlr.
Ireland Residents Say No To Apple Datacenter
In what is probably the most folksy NIMBYism ever heard, Irish residents of Galways have reacted to Apple’s environmental impact statement with a stream of complaints about noise, traffic, and effects on local wildlife. There were further demands as well, you can read more details over at Mac Observer.
Tweet to buy
Twitter needs money, and they don’t seem to sure how they’re going to get it. The latest attempt to monetize Twitter seems to come from Pinterest’s latest moves. Recode has the details on a new feature that Twitter is calling Product Pages. In all fairness to Twitter, they aren’t putting a buy button on every product page. So there is some possibility of user utility in addition to a monetization strategy.