It was Benjamin Franklin who said: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. Well, Ben could have easily been talking about the weather here. Weather is going to happen, every day, and we have absolutely no control over what gets thrown at us. But we can be prepared!
Prevent yourself from showing up in shorts when a snowstorm is on its way or a hoodie and jeans when El Niño throws you a scorcher of a curve ball. Only YOU can prevent bad wardrobe decisions. There’s a big selection of weather apps out there but we’ve chosen these five based on exceptional user interface, design and overall awesomeness.
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Keep it simple with WthrDial by David Elgena. Forget worrying about atmospheric pressure readings and wind speeds. This $0.99 app gets right to the meat and potatoes of what you need to know to decide if you’re going to bring your umbrella with you when you leave the house today.
Check out the current weather, or for longer term planning, there is a 7-day forecast option. Easily switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius options and enjoy their intuitively sleek night mode for doing a last minute check in the evening before choosing your outfit for the next day (if you’re one of those people).
COOL FACTOR: This app is based on the 10 design principles of Dieter Rams. Back int he 1970s, Rams wanted to streamline the world around him since, in his mind, it had become “an impenetrable confusion of forms, colors and noises.” WthrDial would make him proud.
Solar : Weather
Solar : Weather by Hollr is a beautiful way to get your weather information. Using the radiant colorscapes, you can see what your day has in store for you even if you start in one city and finish in another. U.S. current conditions data comes from over 42,000 weather stations across the country and international current conditions are collected directly from over 29,000 weather stations located in various countries around the globe. Whammy!
By scrolling upwards, you can see how the forecast will change over the next 24-hours. Pinch the screen to see multiple locations. Pull down to see what you can expect over the next few days. Post your comments on the weather directly to Facebook or Twitter,
One thing that stood out to me with Solar was the option to turn on the “Feels Like” feature. We all know that depending on many external variables like humidity or wind chill, it can often feel a lot hotter or cooler than the thermometer is saying. Kudos, Solar, you’re not just a pretty face.
Whenever you don’t know what to talk to someone about, the weather is always the go-to. It’s something we all have in common and there is always something to say. That’s what Weathermob had in mind when they created this free app. They say it fills in the missing piece in other weather apps — that’s you!
Weathermob is a “social weather app” that combines real time human reports alongside traditional weather forecasts. It’s available to people in over 128 countries. Upload pictures of that crazy looking pre-storm cloud or a beautiful sunset after a hot day. Video is an option too, as well as icons to show how the weather is making you feel. RAIN = SAD FACE, unless you’re going through a drought in which case RAIN = HAPPY FACE.
It wouldn’t be “social” without the ability to share on Facebook and Twitter, which you can do directly from the app. So, if you’ve ever wanted to be a weather person, this is your chance. Or, if you want to put together an audition tape for The Weather Network, this would be handy too. Hmmm, that’s a good idea…
Sometimes you wake up in the morning and just want to be told what to wear. Swackett is the answer. This free app is my favorite of our top 5 selection. Not only does this app tell you what the temperature is and what it “feels like,” but it also gives you suggestions on what to wear. Love it!
Basically, they have converted complex weather data into easy-to-understand visuals, great for any age. Once you’re registered with a local weather tower, you swipe through left and right to see what they recommend for men, women, dogs and cats. Swackett gives you a few different clothing suggestions by swiping up and down in each profile.
You have access to full-motion radar images and the ability to set up “smart watches and warnings” that will send you push notifications if there is a weather change happening. Additional info available includes sunrise and sunset times, wind speed and directions, percent probability of precipitation and humidity.
Living Earth HD
For the bigger picture, I suggest you check out Living Earth HD by Radiantlabs. This weather app is a great way to see an awesome live 3D simulation of the Earth with global weather, forecasts and world clock. You can immediately see cloud patterns, tropical storms and hurricanes. There is even a button that tracks active storms around the world with up-to-date wind speeds and their status.
Scan around the globe and see how the time zones shift day to night with the shadow line. Observe the changing seasons by looking at snow and ice coverage. The information is pulled from real-time satellite cloud data updated every 3 hours. Rediscover your love of geography for $0.99.
This multi-functional platform can also act as an alarm clock with music playlist. Not too shabby to wake up to an amazing view of the planet with your favorite tunes!